Thursday, May 13, 2010

Blog #2

In my book there are two main characters. The story is told by Gordie who is 16 and is currently trying to get through school. Gordie works allot and is saving money for various things. Because of the situation that is going on in Gordies family it is very hard for Gordie to keep his mind set on anything. Gordie is a very calm, outgoing, and nice guy. He is always trying to help out various people whether its a man he doesn't know or his crystal meth addicted brother. He cares for all and loves his family very much. Because of what is happening to his brother it is partially changing the way he acts around his family. None of his family is really communicating with each other so the only people Gordie really talks to are his friends. Gordie sometimes cares to much for people. They have given his brother a million chances to earn their trust but he always fails them. He continues to give his brother ample opportunities to succeed and stop using crystal meth.

The other main character is Chase, Gordies crystal meth addicted brother. Since he is using crystal meth his brain is not all there. He really does not have much a personality hes always high, tweaking when he wants his next his, or sleeping after his 3 strait days of getting high. He is very dull and very dumb and doesn't seem to know right from wrong. His weakness is clearly his addiction for crystal meth it changed his life, and it will never be the same.

If you were in Gordies position and your brother came and asked you for more money would you give it to him? If you would give him the money how would you ensure that the money is actually going to something he needs rather than drugs?


  1. If I were in Gordies position I would not give him money because I know that it is going to buy drugs. I would want to help him out because he is my brother, but I would help him by trying to give him advice. If he really did need money for something other than drugs I would buy it for him myself, so I know that it wasnt drugs he was buying.

  2. If I was in Gordies position and my brother who is addicted to crystal meth came to ask me for money, I would ask him what he needed to buy and If it was something that he actually needed I would go buy it my self. I would never give him money because I wouldn't know if he was actually going to buy something he needed or if he was just going to spend it on more crystal meth.

  3. If i was in Gordies position, i would not give Chase any more money. He already proved to Gordie that he cant be trusted and by giving him more money it will just feed his addiction even more.

  4. If i was in Gordies spot i would not give him money beacuse i know what he is going to try and use it on plus it would not help his addiction.

  5. If I was in Gordie's position I would not give my brother any more because that would mean i support his decisions, and then he would always just expect me to give him more money.

  6. If i was in Gordie's position i wouldn't lend my brother money, especially in his situation were drugs are controlling his life. I would of send him to a rehab clinic instead, were he can get the help he needs.
